Angela Schellpfeffer

Always enjoying creativity and having an interest in artful expression, I started dabbling with oil painting in 2014. I’ve learned so much about confidence, risk-taking and trusting God during this journey. I love to paint and miles on the canvas contribute to my personal growth, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 

Being drawn to beauty in nature, I try different techniques to create a soothing, yet exciting painting. Beginning with a textured canvas, I apply a solid stain. Next, I layer from large, loose shapes and brush strokes to more refined applications with each pass-through. In addition to brush strokes and knife work, I like to use stencils, brayers, cold wax and other tools within my work. I hope the viewer feels joy and exhilaration when  exploring my pieces!  

Over the past ten years I have studied under Nicholas Stewart at Holt School of Fine Art, Andy Braitman, Allison Chambers, and Dottie Leatherwood. Recently I attended an abstract workshop with Chris Groves and look forward to a second Provence, France, workshop with Allison Chambers in 2024. I have participated in art exhibits in Wilmington and Charlotte. 

As a Charlotte NC native, I graduated from South Mecklenburg High School and received my degree from UNC Chapel Hill. I married my wonderful husband John in 1994 and we have 3 amazing sons. In addition to painting, spending time with my husband and enjoying our second home in Wilmington NC, I love hot yoga, traveling, reading, and time with family and friends. 

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13)"


Find more information here and
contact Angela via email or phone.



You can find my work (and other treasures)
in these beautiful locations.

StudioWorks Gallery
Charlotte, NC

307 East Boulevard

Social Betty
Beaufort, SC

204 Carteret Street